Don’t Let Summer Run Up Your Utility Bill
The high temperatures of summer are in the forecast, which can have a big impact on your bill. A few simple conservation tips can add up and help make a difference.
Electric Bill:
- Turn off the lights when not in use and use LED lightbulbs
- Keep the thermostat at the highest comfortable level in the summer
- Reduce hot water usage. Shorter showers and running your clothes washer with cold water make a big impact
- Use window blinds or drapes or other window coverings to help keep out the heat
- Make sure your AC unit is maintained per manufacturer’s recommendations and air filters
replaced on schedule - Be mindful of summer Peak hours. Peak Time-of-Use Rates, when energy is in highest demand and the most expensive, are weekdays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Water and Sewer Bill:
- Make sure you turn the outside faucets off after watering plants and flowers
- Check you back flow and sprinkler system for leaks
- Install a rain sensor for your sprinkler system if you don’t have one
- Do not water plants during the midday. The heat and evaporation mean you need more water to water the same number of plants
Whether you are a homeowner or a renter, a business or a non-profit, you can always make smarter
choices to reduce your energy costs and improve comfort.
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