Commission Meetings

2025 Meeting Schedule


Public Hearing Feb. 26, 2025 for Proposed Water and Wastewater Rates and Service Regulations and Charges

Feb. 26 Agenda PDF Link

The Commission Meeting is in person, however you can view it remotely using one of the WebEx links below. The links are available by the Monday prior to a meeting.   

Regular Board Meetings
The Commission holds a regular meeting the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, except that if the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the following business day. The meetings are held at the PWC offices at 955 Old Wilmington Road and begin at 8:30 a.m. The time and place of meetings can be changed by majority vote taken at a previous meeting. Public notice shall be given to the news media of any deviation from the regular meeting time and place. Meeting agendas will be made available by the Monday before each scheduled meeting. Minutes of each meeting will be made available on the PWC website following the Board approving the meeting minutes, typically at the following meeting.

Public Address to the Commission
Any individual or group who wishes to address the Commission shall make a written request to the General Manager to be placed on the agenda, stating the purpose of such request. The Commission reserves the right to determine the relevance of the request and may request appropriate investigation and/or preparation of reports prior to meeting with individuals or groups.

Public Hearings
Individuals wishing to speak at a public hearing shall sign up with the Clerk of the Commission, by name and home address, before 8:30 a.m. on the date of the scheduled public hearing. Individuals may register in person, by fax at (910) 829-0207, by email at pwcboard@faypwc.com or immediately before the meeting in the PWC Board Room between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. Fifteen minutes will be allowed for each side of the issue at a public hearing. The Commission in its discretion may extend the time. Individual speakers will be limited to three (3) minutes each unless by previous arrangement a single spokesman is designated, in which case the spokesman may use the entire 15 minutes. Time used in response to a Commission member will not be counted against the allotted 15 minutes. No one in the audience will be permitted to speak during Commission discussion and debate except in response to a question from a Commission member recognized by the Chair.