PWC is proud to serve the Fayetteville/Cumberland County area as a hometown utility that provides award-winning, reliable electric, water and wastewater services with rates that are among the lowest in the state. As the 38th largest municipal electric utility in the U.S., PWC has been recognized by the American Public Power Association for outstanding system reliability as six-time recipients of the RP3 (Reliable Public Power Provider) Diamond Designation. In fact, PWC is one of only two public power utilities that have earned the Diamond Level designation six or more times. PWC has also received the APPA’s E.F. Scattergood System Achievement Award two times and their Sue Kelly Community Service Award four times.
PWC is a charter member of the Partnership for Safe Drinking Water, developed jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency, American Water Works Association, utilities, and other water organizations. In 2000, PWC became the first utility in North Carolina to be recognized with the Director’s Award from the Partnership. Since then, PWC continues to maintain this distinction through its exemplary practices. PWC has maintained the Directors Award for 25 years, an honor achieved by less than 200 water utilities across the country.
Our over 650 employees work diligently to serve the needs of their families, friends, and fellow ratepayers. PWC remains customer-focused, locally owned and operated, and takes pride in being a good neighbor who is committed to quality services, fiscal responsibility, reliability, safety, and the environment.
About PWC’s History
The Fayetteville Public Works Commission was created on March 4, 1905, through an act of the North Carolina Legislature to manage, operate, and supervise the electric, water, and wastewater utilities in the City of Fayetteville. That legislation was incorporated into the Charter of the City of Fayetteville and has had several legislative modifications throughout the years.
On June 29, 2016, the North Carolina Legislature repealed the portion of the City of Fayetteville Charter that specifically and exclusively dealt with PWC and replaced it with an updated version that more clearly defined the roles and responsibilities of the Commission and the City of Fayetteville in the operation of the electric, water, and wastewater utilities. Most notably, the Legislature defined PWC as a Public Authority under North Carolina law and is subject to the applicable state statutes that govern Public Authorities.
The Commission consists of four members, appointed by Fayetteville’s City Council, to each serve up to two four-year staggered terms. The Commissioners elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer; they meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.
Since its inception, PWC’s operations have been located in the heart of Fayetteville. The site of the old City Hall on Green Street was leased in October 1914, for the purpose of erecting an office and an electrical substation for the Public Works Commission. The substation became overloaded during the 1930s and was relocated to Williams Street. The office facilities also became inadequate for the increased work of the Commission and a City Hall was erected on the site during 1941. A separate Public Works Commission Administration Building was completed in February 1966 at 508 Person Street.
In 1987-1988, PWC purchased a 65-acre tract of land and began developing a centralized PWC Complex in order to consolidate all operating and administrative functions. This centralization of non-plant facilities lends itself to efficiency and effectiveness which extends to manpower requirements, equipment utilization, materials management, information flow, customer service, security, and control of operations.
Facilities at the PWC Complex include the Operations Center, Administrative Building, Customer Payment Center, Fleet Management, Warehouse & Storage Yard, Meter Shops, Electric System Support Services, Utility Field Services, Water/Wastewater Facilities Maintenance, Vehicle/Small Equipment Storage Sheds, and Electronic Fuel Islands.
In August 2000, PWC opened its Customer Service Center in the Robert C. Williams Business Center in downtown Fayetteville. Customer Service moved to the Operations Complex in November 2009 when PWC’s LEED-certified Customer Service Center opened.
Through the foresight of Fayetteville’s forefathers, the citizens of Fayetteville have, in their Public Works Commission, a significant community asset with a proud history. PWC has kept up with demands for electric, water, and sanitary sewer utilities to serve the rapidly growing city and surrounding urbanized areas. Water and sanitary sewer rates are comparable to other major cities in North Carolina, while electric rates are extremely competitive.