Making It Easy to Charge Your EV

If you own a plug-in electric vehicle (or want to buy one), Fayetteville PWC makes it easy to keep your vehicle charged and ready to hit the open road. PWC’s Whole Home and Whole Business rates might help you save money while charging your vehicle at home or business. The optional rate includes a Super Off-Peak window from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily when the energy cost is 44% to 47% lower than the Peak times.

In exchange for a much lower Off-Peak rate, you’ll see an increase in the basic facility charge and the Peak rate. If you drive your electric vehicle more than 16 miles a day, this plan may be right for you. Contact PWC Customer Service to see if the Whole Home or Whole Business rate is the right option for you.

Be sure to join us at the biannual National Drive Electric Week EV Car Show on October 5th from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Tony Rand Student Center at FTCC. PWC is a sponsor for Sustainable Sandhills EV Car Show. It’s an opportunity to learn more if you are looking to buy an EV, or just want to see what some of the latest models of EVs have to offer. For more information and/or to register to show your EV or to volunteer, visit SustainableSandhills.org/DriveElectric/ or call (910) 484-9098.